Da Poetry Hacklab.
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emerge quake2-relnev
poi dira'
* Go read /usr/share/doc/quake2-relnev-0.15/README-postinstall.gz right now!
* It's important- This install is just the engine, you still need
* the data paks. Go read.
oltre a un'altro errore sul fatto che ti manca il cd originale. cmq
vattelo a leggere. li dice
To install the Quake2 demo data:
1. download ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake2/q2-314-demo-x86.exe
2. unzip -L q2-314-demo-x86.exe into a temp directory
3. cp baseq2/pak0.pak to /usr/share/games/quake2/baseq2/pak0.pak
<_lobo> dopo che hai scompattato c'e' una directory Install/Data/baseq2
quindi fate il cp del punto 3 tenendo conto di cio.
fate cio', e fate pure questo
* Remember, in order to play games, you have to
* be in the 'games' group.
* See the usermod(8) manpage for more information.
fatelo a mano editando /etc/group che e' meglio ;)
poi date
export GAMES_CDROM="/usr/share/games/quake2/"
emerge /usr/portage/games-fps/quake2-data/quake2-data-3.20.ebuild
e potete giocare lanciando /usr/games/bin/quake2. FANCULO