Microvax-3100-console-hack asbesto.txt

Da Poetry Hacklab.

microvax 3100/40 console cable poetry-minihowto
(also valid for VAXStation 3100 ! :)

how to connect a microvax 3100-40 to a pc using a self-made
console cable; keywords: microvax, 3100-40, 3100, console,
cable, pinout, scheme, schematic, diagram, construction,
pain, terror, hate, vampire, sadness, l3chuck, maharishi,
vaxstation, horror, holocaust, hitler, antani.

looking it at the back, you can see these things:

|                                                                |
| MicroVAX 3100-40                                          14   |
|                                                           on   |
|  1    2    3     4   5  6  7    8    9    10  11 12    13      |
| MMJ  MMJ  MMJ  DB25 but SW sl 4led 4led  AUI SW2 BNC  mainpw   |
|                                                                |

1   - mmj connector, serial port for system console
2,3 - mmj serial ports
4   - cannon male db25, it seem a serial port - printer?
5   - a button - reset ? halt ?
6   - a switch in position DOWN 
7   - a single LED 
8,9 - 4 + 4 leds, diagnostic purpose
10  - aui ethernet connector, for a transceiver; a female cannon.
11  - switch to select ethernet aui or bnc; position it to the
      choosed connector.
12  - bnc ethernet connector
13  - main power cord
14  - ON/OFF switch :)


and looking at the back of VAXStation 3100, you can see:

  VAXStation 3100                                    PWR    SW   |
                                                     CONN   on   |
                        printer/                                 |
          monitor       console                      PWR         |
        db15 cannon       mmj     mmj   sw  8 led    CONN        |
 -- --- -- ------------------------------------------------------'

well. to connect a serial terminal to the microvax, as a console, 
you have to connect to the port 1, that horrible MMJ. To connect
a serial terminal to the VAXStation 3100, you must connect to the
printer/console mmj connector; it's identified by a printer :)

here's the pinout, it's the same for the 2 vaxes :

Looking the mmj connector at the back of the vax:

        | 1 2 3 4 5 6 |
         ---------.  .

        Posit# Description              Corresponding RS232
         1     Data terminal ready              20
         2     Transmit (+)                      2
         3     Transmit (-)             ---\___  7
         4     Receive (-)              ---/
         5     Receive (+)                       3
         6     Data set ready                    6

NOTE about rj11 and mmj connectors:

here is a mmj:
                | O  O  O  O  O  O |
                |                  |
                |            ____  |
                ------------|    |--
                            |____| <--- CLIP that hold the plug in 
                                        the socket

but a normal RJ11 connector look like this one:

                | O  O  O  O  O  O |
                |                  |
                |       ____       |
                -------|    |-------
                       |____| <--- rj11: the CLIP is centered! :)

so, a way to hack a RJ11 connector consist in cutting out the clip
and the clip support, so the rj11 can be plugged into the MMJ 

but we had difficult finding a RJ11 connector, and other difficults
crimping the cable "by hand".

directly on the VAX MOTHERBOARD :))))))

looking at the solder side of the VAX motherboard, under the 3
mmj connectors, here's the hack: just solder 6 wires under the
connector, and voila'! you can connect those wires on your 
favourite connector (i choosed a male DB25 to have a "standard"
serial port)

the numeration of the pin respect the mmj numeration printed above.
(this scheme apply to the microvax 3100; for the vaxstation, just
 locate the mmj console connector: the pinout is exactly the same! :)

         console                  mmj                mmj
 ---------------------------------------------------------  --  --  --
|        o   o   o              o   o   o         o   o   o          
|        2   4   6                                               ... 
|      o   o   o              o   o   o         o   o   o            
|      1   3   5                                                     

so, here's the SOLDERED VAX MMJ to male DB25 CANNON ADAPTER scheme:
(this adapter was TESTED for MicroVAX 3100-40 and VAXServer 3100)

on the motherboard                         DB25 MALE CANNON

 DTR    1 ----------.            .-------------- 2   TX  
  TX    2 -----------)----------'    .---------- 3   RX 
TX GND  3 --.        |     .--------'              
RX GND  4 ---+-------)----(-----.    .---------- 6  DSR
  RX    5 -----------)----'      ---(----------- 7  GND
 DSR    6 -----------)--------------'                  
                     '-------------------------- 20 DTR

 description of the adapter: from mmj to cannon:
 1 to 20, 2 to 2, 3 and 4 together to 7, 5 to 3, 6 to 6.

SO, we have the console connector on a new db25 connector
of the vax :)

the cable to connect the vax to a pc serial port, assuming
to use a laptop pc as a vax console, is this:

(this cable was TESTED for MicroVAX 3100-40 and VAXServer 3100)

 TX  2 --------------------------------------------- 2 RX
 RX  3 --------------------------------------------- 3 TX

DSR  6 --------------------------------------------- 4 DTR
GND  7 --------------------------------------------- 5 GND

DTR 20 --------------------------------------------- 6 DSR

  (NOTE: you have tojumper together              .-- 7 RTS
         RTS and CTS !!!) -------------->        '-- 8 CTS

connectors to use:
db25 female cannon                          db9 female cannon

here's the console cable!!!!!

to use the vax, just connect the cable to your laptop, and
use a terminal program like minicom, setting
9600,n,8,1 parameters; disabling hardware handshake and 
enabling software handshake (XON/XOFF) sometimes help. :)

- asbesto 22/1/2004 poetry hacklab palazzolo acreide

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