1http://www.freaknet.orgFreaknet Medialab Catania - Laboratorio Autogestito di Informatica
2http://www.dyne.orgFree Software Foundry
3http://kyuzz.orgPrimo free website creativo in italia
4http://italy.indymedia.orgindependent media center - Italy
5http://www.radiocybernet.orgRadio Cybernet - The FIRST Italian internet-only RADIO! ;)
6http://www.autistici.orgautistici.org - socializzare saperi, senza fondare poteri
7http://emerde.freaknet.orgThe Emerde Project
8http://www.hinezumilabs.orgHinezumiLabs.Org - Laboratories Hinezumi for research and relax
9http://lumpystreet.freaknet.org\"This site is part of the FreakNet project for free-access computing.\"
10http://www.siracusa.linux.itLUGSR - Linux USER GROUP SIRACUSA
11http://netsukuku.freaknet.orgClose the world, txEn eht nepO
12http://www.no1984.orgNO1984.ORG - NO al Trusted Computing