COME EVITARE LA ROTTURA DI CAZZO DELLE PASSWORD PER: SYNAPTIC PACKAGE MANAGER, NETWORK-MANAGER, E TUTTE LE CAZZATE DI GNOME, dato che TI SEI GIA' LOGGATO, QUINDI HAI GIA' I CAZZO DI PRIVILEGI, IL COMPUTER E' IL TUO, SEI LI' DAVANTI E NON HA SENSO CHE TI SI ROMPA IL CAZZO per UBUNTU 1. sudo apt-get install libpam-keyring 2. edit /etc/pam.d/gdm adding this line at the bottom of the file: @include common-pamkeyring 3. restart the whole X damn thing 4. add yourself in the "wheel" group 5. add this in /etc/sudoers using "visudo": yourusername ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL 6. add those things in /etc/pam.d/sudo : auth sufficient auth required auth sufficient trust 7. enable this in your /etc/pam.d/su # Uncomment this if you want wheel members to be able to # su without a password. auth sufficient trust AND LIVE IN HAPPINESS ===================== FINE